Northern Value was established in 2008 to provide advice and help to organisations undergoing significant change. Situations from acquisition, exits, demergers, operational improvements and strategy reviews based on my 30+ years in business.
At its heart is a commitment to the highest ethical and personal values, with honesty and respect the basis for all interactions.
Helping organisations understand and deliver value by recognising the drivers of value and the culture and values that underpin sustainable performance.
Advice Help Investment Consulting Mentoring
Phone: +44 7989 415163
Old Crow Trees, Melling, Carnforth, Lancs, UK LA6 2RE
+44 7989 416 163
© Copyright. All Rights Reserved.
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There is no fixed way to work together with Northern Value. Most opportunities start with a chat over coffee and agreeing what the end goal is. This is the base of an honest appraisal of what works best, from direct employment, through non executive or consulting arrangements, the focus is on maximising value for all concerned.